Inane Spewage

Inane Spewage
Where thoughts meet words

Friday, November 12, 2010

All life ends in death....and then life again

I'm back! From outer space!

No not really but it's been a while and frankly I missed you....all of you......which is just one person.

Well to tell you about my forced hiatus I would only need one word...and that word is DIE!

I got this full time job from a really good friend who asked me to help her out but it turned out to be one of the worst decisions ever.

The boss, like almost all bosses, was an ass.

But I'm back now with a semi realistic life plan.

And that plan is to have no plan! *round of applause*

Basically this post is just a filler until I find something worthy of talking about.

Which just might be how my cat is snoring so cutely! awwwwww.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Life's Secret Haven

Her eyes look up at me with clear distaste as I reach for that last one. The one that is going to get me through, the one that is going to save me. There are things in life that are so bad but make you feel so good. This relationship is one of them. The feeling I get when i'm near, knowing that in just another minute it will be mine.

She doesn't like who I am or rather who I have become but it's about time she learned that you can't plan life for someone else; you can't make someone into something they're not. I love myself, why wouldn't I. I love who I am when i'm with the one I love. I will do anything for it. Anything.

This place is my haven, my sacred ground. I am free from condemnation because they all love. They all know the feeling of its embrace, the recklessness, the euphoria. No explanations are needed here, never here.

But like with all lovers, there are rough patches. Some situations are easily thwarted while others are a lot harder to circumvent. With a lover like mine its easy to make mistakes and fall into that dark place, the place that makes you feel so cold inside and you forget who you are, were, are going to be.

My lover, my other half, my can't live without is my bottle, my spirits, my liquor.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Life's Guilty Pleasures

I like to read.

And I usually choose the genre of this wonderful past time by how I am feeling at the moment. Like if i'm feeling trapped in my life of boring then I will pick out an epic tale of adventure and danger and dragons!

If I'm feeling as if my life isn't as meaningful as it could be then I will pick up a sad, emotional book of love and loss and finding your way.

Right now I am reading......romance novels.

Yeah. That's right.

I have gotten to the point where I would like a bit of companionship and since I don't really put myself out there these days, I am just making due with the tale of women meeting men they instantly hate but then that passion turns into love. Sigh.

Yeah at this moment i'm feeling pretty pathetic...there's no need for you tell me that.

I can't even say i'm ashamed of it cause really I am enjoying it. I mean once you get past all of the sexy time.....they aren't that bad.

Anyway, so I think I will be stuck on this genre for a while or at least until the knight in shining armor comes along.

p.s please really don't be a knight....i'd prefer a doctor or fire fighter or bartender or human.

p.p.s I wish I had photoshop cause I really want to see that dragon eat Fabio.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Remember Thine Life and Learn

The past.

Some people think upon it with nostalgia while others cringe at the decisions that they have made. Or if you are like me then there is a healthy dos of the two of these mixed together.

The past is a funny thing because it can't be changed no matter how much you wish to. If I could change anything, I would change how naive and inexperienced I was.

But then again I guess I wouldn't have to change much since those two adjectives can no longer describe least not to that extent. I'd like to think that I have lived. I've tried things that I tried again and also tried things that I will never do again.

That's what living is....trial and error.

Now, I'm still young and I have plenty of changing left to do and probably in five years I will look back and say " damn how annoying was I! Good thing I'm not like that anymore"

I'm on this topic because recently I've been reading some of my blogs from my earlier goes back to 2004....which is weird to think that it was so long ago...I mean I still remember the 90s.

But anyway so this got me reflecting on my past and also the things that have changed since my last entry into my other blog, which was like in 2006.

I was so nervous to start college and now I've graduated. I was so afraid that the friendships that I had would fall apart and now I'm happy to say that 2 out of 6 ain't bad...or if you want to get technical and make it a fraction then one third.

I was skeptical that I would find someone that I could like enough to be in a relationship with and now I have....liked and lost? or another four letter word that would be crude to say and also put my reputation in jeopardy.....cause I do declare I am a lady!

It's a wonderful thing to have this virtual time capsule at my disposable so that I can see what life was like for me back then.

Yes most of it was teen angst and emo poems but it reminded me that I once felt these strong emotions that, truthfully, I haven't felt in a long time.

I don't know if its because I don't make everything out to be such a big deal anymore or what. But damn was I whiny and angst ridden. Though not to say I didn't have a reason to be that way. Most of the writings were written when I had just lost my mother.

Time does heal all wounds. I wrote that I couldn't imagine having a day where I didn't cry or didn't have trouble breathing or even being alone in a room without fear of what I might do to myself.

It's scary to read that. To know that you wrote that.

This post has turned into a somber and melancholy one and hopefully this will be the last one like it.

Here are a few poems that I found in the vault.


Isn't it funny how the life you lead makes you cringe

Making yourself numb by not obeying whats within

Life's too short to be hard-headed and rude

The key to success is to believe in you

Do what you're told and you'll cry at night

Do what you want and high you will fly

Grab a hold of wings and squeeze eyes tight

From this moment on you'll live the time of your life.


A plastic bag.

Holds the weight .

Stretches yet never tears


With only the memories of being useful.


"The journey through time is a long one" she said

"With rivers of doubts and mountains of grief"

"Show me the way, the path of kings" he said

"To overcome these fears and insecurities"

"The way is quick and easy and sure" she said

"Love thy friends, thy family, their yours"

Friday, April 9, 2010

Life is Made for Material Girls and the Debt Collectors Who Prey on Them

Being poor sucks.

And I don't mean "dang all I got is this twenty in my hand" poor, I mean " dang I don't have any food in my cupboard poor."

Luckily I haven't reached that status yet but without a doubt with all the spending I do....i'm likely to get there soon.

It's just these stores make it so easy to spend, spend, and spend some more. Every week I get at least two emails each from my favorite stores telling me all of the sales that they have.....some of the time I can ignore it but other times, when they word it so it seems that the sale is specifically for moi....well it would be rude to not go in and check it out...right?

Anyway, the way I see it is if I don't spend my money on clothes, shoes, purses, and other things then I am probably going to spend it on unhealthy things like fast food or gas. So in some ways I am creating a new and healthier me....right?

And I guess if I have to ask you, the cyberspace, for reassurance then I already know the answer...which makes me sad.

People say (in a deep baritone) " Save your money!" but save it for what!? For an apartment so that I can get out of my family's house? To be able to support myself? Pshhh.

I am living rent free and I am going to ride this rollercoaster until it derails....which I hope isn't too soon cause I haven't saved any money.

Now I see where you are coming from Mr. Baritone. Touche........Douche.

Why is touche touchey when douche is just douche. It makes you wonder.

Is this really the question?

For people like me, it's one we dread to answer. Damnit.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Life of a Sales Associate

Working in retail, there are many things that customers do that just piss you off to the extreme. Since I have been in contact with many of these customers in the last few days, I am going to write a little something something to express how annoyed they all have made me.

1) Sales associate is not a nickname for personal maid.
When you go into the dressing room, do not leave your clothes on the floor, thrown over the door, or any other place that's not the hanger. I'm sure you are old enough to clean up after yourself.

2) If you really have to sift through the table shirts to find your shirt, please have some care because more than likely an associate had just tidied up that table to look presentable and then there you go unfolding and scattering all of the shirts and other clothing items all over the table, and I know that when you are done sabotaging the merchandise you know that it now looks a mess...if you think someone is giving you the death glare then they probably are. ( At least I do)

3) It is the sales associates job to help you find what you are looking for.....that does not mean that you can sit down and direct us on where to find your clothes or bring you the items that we think you might like. More than likely you are not the only one in the store and that means that there are other people that we have to attend to. I really don't care for the story of your bum leg, I am not your personal shopper.

4) Just because you have money to spend on whatever knick knacks you want does not give you the right to treat the sales associate like trash. Manners are for all types of people including snooty ones who talk down to people they feel are beneath them. A please and a thank you never hurt anyone.

5) When you look at the door and see that the store is closing at 8:30 pm and currently it is 8:20 pm that should not spark the "oooh I just made it" thought. If you know you have 10 minutes to shop then you better know what you want and where to find it because it is rude and really annoying to make the people working stay an extra 30-45 minutes for you. In case you didn't know, there are things that the sales people need to do that can only be done once the store is closed and the customers gone. So with you staying your extra 30 minutes pushes them back on all of the stuff they need to do before going home.

6) This one goes with #5 and really #1 also. If you know the store is closed then please please please don't go around the store putting things out of order, trying on multitudes of clothing, disorganizing the accessories, or anything of that sort. Because more than likely a sales person had already started straightening and cleaning the store for closing. This is another instance where if you feel heat on the back of your head then that's the sales person staring a hole through it and wishing you bodily harm.

7) Don't tell a sales associate how to do their job. I don't care if it's your favorite store and you shop there every week and they know you by name. Don't do it. When at the cash register don't tell me what button I need to push or what paper I need to sign. I am here everyday and understand what it is I need to do. With you blubbering and talking nonsense, you are making what would have been a short process into a long drawn out deal simply because I will have to sit there and listen to you jabber on and not tell you to go _____ yourself.

8) Here is a tip for you. If you are a nice amiable customer and we have coupons stashed behind the counter, you will get one. But if you are a demanding customer that only wants to complain and cause a fuss then no I am withholding the coupon for someone who has earned it.

Working in retail is harder than it looks especially for people lacking in the people skills but hopefully this will help some would be customers on the things that they shouldn't do so that they are not at the receiving end of a death glare.

And of course there are countless more Don'ts but with me having to relive all of these it has given me a headache and a bad temper.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lyfe Iz Gr8

I've come to the realization ( or rather I've had this realization since this phenomenon started) that this generation is becoming the most lazy and short cut obsessed generation ever.

If you take out the middle letters of a word, I hate you.
If you substitute like sounding letters for their real ones, I hate you.
If you use the substituting letters to form a word that is the same amount of letters as the original, I hate you.
If you use numbers in the middle of words, I hate you.
If you use a single letter or number to take the place of an actual word, I hate you.

No, I never would have guessed that when you typed abt you meant about or when you write mii you really meant my.

I think that it actually takes up more brain power to write these pseudo words than to use the correct form in which you have been learning since you started school.

im abt 2 b n skool txt mi l8ter.

What the hell did you just say? I need a decoder ring and an urban dictionary to understand what you are saying.
I used to get mad when people didn't know the difference between there, they're, and their which now i've given up on because I guess its just too hard.

But seriously? No and Know? I know it takes less time to write no but I have to read the sentence twice because the first time it just didn't make any sense. Or I should say ne sense.

This is my biggest pet peeve in case you couldn't tell.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Life is Friends Spelled Backwards

There is no better feeling than knowing that you have finally found the right friends with the right qualities. For instance, I like my friends funny with a touch of "oh god I can't believe they just said that."

There is no better feeling than walking around someone else's big city snapping photos of things that they see everyday.....ok there are a lot of things better than that but I needed a segue into what I really wanted to talk about.

Today I spent the better part of the day walking around snapping pictures of tall buildings and historically fascinating spots with friends that I hadn't seen in a long time.

Yes I had already seen most of the sites but there's just something about doing it with friends that makes it seem like the first time. (that's what she said?)

But I digress. What I really wanted to say is that today I saw a man wearing leather pants.....and this may not seem like a big deal but seriously my life is complete. I had never seen one! I thought it was a myth but yes, they do exist. will have to believe this just as much as you believe in bigfoot or the chupacabra cause, dare I say it, I wasn't quick enough to take a picture. But its true! I did see it!

You'll just have to take my word for it.

By the way: You'd think googling "man in leather pants" would be a horrific idea but disappointedly (not a real word) it was quite tame. Sad.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Life May Be Wonderful but It Gives Me a Headache

Today I was looking at my cat as it stalked towards me like a majestic African lion and I got that feeling in my head that told me I was about to think of something profound....extraordinary.

Cats are alive.

Like really think about it....its moving and breathing, and shedding its hair all over the place. I don't know about you but it gave me shivers. Some things you just overlook but when you stare it directly in the face it knocks you off your axis.

Ok so maybe you have had this feeling about other things like how snow is just frozen water falling from the sky or how pickles are just cucumbers steeped in vinegar.

Mind boggling!

Anyway I did have a point so i'm just going to get to it.

I've come to realize that I didn't have a point but just go outside and look around at all the things that are alive and tell me its not amazing......just saying.

And if you are wondering about the elegant creature that inspired this subject take a look:

I'm not a crazy cat lady......yet.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bitter Sweet is for Chocolate Not Life.

Life after college in one word. Sucks. What happened to "you can do anything when you put your heart into it"? I could tell you but me thinks its too crude to say.

I have successfully graduated from college, completed an internship, moved away from all i've known for the past 4 years, only to be stuck in a place that snows constantly and working a part-time job at a place where I actually have to smile and talk to old ladies every day.

Think i'm bitter?

You better believe it.

But there are things to be thankful for in this time of overly riched people taking money from the masses.....I have to think of some first but i'm sure they are out there.

So whenever you are feeling frustrated and just so dog gon' mad at your luck.....just do what I do and follow these instructions.