Inane Spewage

Inane Spewage
Where thoughts meet words

Friday, April 9, 2010

Life is Made for Material Girls and the Debt Collectors Who Prey on Them

Being poor sucks.

And I don't mean "dang all I got is this twenty in my hand" poor, I mean " dang I don't have any food in my cupboard poor."

Luckily I haven't reached that status yet but without a doubt with all the spending I do....i'm likely to get there soon.

It's just these stores make it so easy to spend, spend, and spend some more. Every week I get at least two emails each from my favorite stores telling me all of the sales that they have.....some of the time I can ignore it but other times, when they word it so it seems that the sale is specifically for moi....well it would be rude to not go in and check it out...right?

Anyway, the way I see it is if I don't spend my money on clothes, shoes, purses, and other things then I am probably going to spend it on unhealthy things like fast food or gas. So in some ways I am creating a new and healthier me....right?

And I guess if I have to ask you, the cyberspace, for reassurance then I already know the answer...which makes me sad.

People say (in a deep baritone) " Save your money!" but save it for what!? For an apartment so that I can get out of my family's house? To be able to support myself? Pshhh.

I am living rent free and I am going to ride this rollercoaster until it derails....which I hope isn't too soon cause I haven't saved any money.

Now I see where you are coming from Mr. Baritone. Touche........Douche.

Why is touche touchey when douche is just douche. It makes you wonder.

Is this really the question?

For people like me, it's one we dread to answer. Damnit.

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