Inane Spewage

Inane Spewage
Where thoughts meet words

Monday, January 10, 2011

Life's Winter Wonderland.....or Life's Life Insurance Policy?


This one word can either instill a sense of wonder or a sense of......well fuck.

I, personally, am of the "well fuck" category. I just don't get what all the fuss is about. Yeah its white and fluffy (IT'S SO FLUFFY!) and pretty in the beginning but it's also cold and hazardous
and dirty by its end.

I had a near death experience just recently because of this devil's juice and it's made me appreciate my life just a fraction of a bit more. (Hence, Life's life insurance policy( I didn't really know where I was going with that title until this moment (funny how the brain works!)))

Yes, I did just use a parentheses inside of a parentheses inside of a parentheses.

But anyway, what other natural disaster can make people excited and full of joy when it arrives? Hurricanes? No. Tornadoes? No.Tsunamis? I don't think so...we have prime examples of hurricanes and tsunamis that weren't treated with the respect and celebration that snow storms get.

And quite frankly I think its a tad rude!

What has a hurricane done that a snow storm hasn't done?

Flood your neighborhood?

Destroyed your property?

In conclusion, I am petitioning and rallying for the equal treatment of all natural disasters! It shouldn't matter the size, force, or destruction for all disasters were created equal!

*This article does not represent the views of this blog.

But seriously...I hate snow.

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